Author Archives: class4TBM

About class4TBM

We are a Year 4 class at Rosendale School in West Dulwich, London.

Final post

Dear All

Thank you for your support throughout the year and for the presents and cards.   By a distance, I have found teaching to be the most complex and difficult job that I’ve done.  It’s hard not to question yourself along the way, and so I especially appreciate your kind and generous words.

I have a few of your children’s bits and pieces that were left behind at the end of the year and will return them in September.

Enjoy the summer

Tom Milne

Memories of Nicolas

We said goodbye to Nicolas this afternoon at our class party.  Jim and Dylan said a few words and then we listened to some of the memories from the class.

Everyone said the same – that Nicolas is the wackiest, funniest, craziest , zaniest and most awesome and irreplaceable classmate. Here’s some more.

You have always been the craziest, funniest, least boring person I knew in the school, and the person who always broke awkward silences in class.  This will probably be the same for lots of other people, and won’t change for me.  One thing I won’t forget is your and Violetta’s crazy fights in karate.  I hope it is great fun in Chile.  Lucy.


I will always remember at May’s party when you took off your top and ran around the garden shouting ‘This is war!’  I also remember when you drank a whole pot of chilli sauce.    You also went through a phase of asking girls out and you got rejected by everyone!  You will be missed.  Sylvie


Nicolas is a good friend of mind because he is awesome.   But what I really remember about Nicolas is he’s the funniest person in the class to me.  Nicolas has nicknames for most of the boys – like mine is Tylaby.  One of my best memories is of his 10th birthday party.  It was a Nerf war at Brockwell Park.  I was on his team to capture the flag.  Nicolas is a very good friend who I am going to miss.  Bye Nicolas and have a nice time in Chile!  Tyree


I always used to think (and I still do now) that you were the most crazy, wacky boy in the class.  I remember when we were going to Legoland, I had to sit next to you on the coach, and for the whole way there you were saying ‘waffles plus Legoland equals awesome!’  (I have it on camera!)  Crazy memories!  May.


Even though you annoyed me from time to time, you still did it in a funny way. will replace your personality in the class.  Portia


Remember Making Club in Year 1 – we looked for different things in the playground and made stuff out of it.  Dylan


…a bit of a joker and …. he ate other people’s earwax!  Have a great time in Chile!  Celeste


Nicolas is a good friend.  I remember when me and him were playing a game and we were play-arguing in Spanish and Portugese.  I liked his art work and most of all his friendship.  U R a * don’t 4get that.  Kelvin

Memories of Milly (Mildred)

We said goodbye to Milly this afternoon at our class party.  Erin and others spoke and we heard the following touching memories from the class.

I can’t believe I’m saying goodbye to one of my closest, prettiest, funniest, best friends.  I still can’t believe you met Tanya Burr (I’m so jealous!)  All the good times we had with make up and Facetime (we’re still going to).  In reception I wouldn’t let go of you I loved you so much!  I don’t know how I’m going to live without you in Year 6.   Every time I look at Tanya’s videos I think of you (it’s gonna be hard).  I will never forget the times when you would come around to my house and we would film really bad make up tutorials (I still have one – it’s really funny).  When you told me you were leaving I literally cried at home.  When you leave I will probably Facetime you all the time.  We have always been best friends and gossiped about Zoe, Tanya….  (What if Zoe has a baby?!  What am I going to do?!)  I am going to miss you sooooooo much.  Chloe


Since reception, I have always thought of you as the calmest, most modest member of the class, and in a way the whole world will all seem really loud and scary without you, and I’m also sure Erin will have a really hard time finding friends as good as you.  Have a good time at your new house.  Lucy.


Milly (Mildred).  I can’t believe you are leaving, as we have been friends for ever.   In reception you were the first friend I ever made, and we sat next to each other every lunchtime.  That is one of my only memories of reception, and the best.   I also remember Erin’s 9th birthday party, when I bought her ‘Berty Botts Every Flavour Beans’.  We had to pick a bean with our eyes closed, and most of us ran to the toilet, puking.  That was sooooo  funny!  I am really going to miss you Milly soooo  much!  Maddy


To me you were always a friend to come to if you were upset.  From the day we first met you were always a friend to me.  Even if I was mean, we would always work as a team.  I may not see you again, but my friendship with you will never fade.  Portia.


To my awesome friend Mildred.   I will always remember in reception when you were on your half day and Erin was having a whole day.  When your mum came to pick you up, I turned around from the toy train set and saw you and Erin clinging to each other crying.  When you finally went home I had to spend the whole afternoon giving Erin hugs and telling her it was going to be OK without you.   I will miss you so much.  It won’t be the same without you.  Sylvie.  (p.s.  I will also remember the OMG spa.  Your only customer was Nicolas.  Then we started Woodmints Hospital.  Then the war began.  It lasted many weeks until we both gave up.   It was the stupidest argument ever.  We couldn’t even talk to each other.  It will stay in my head for years to come. )


I remember in the first days of reception, when you were the only person I really knew (because we went to the same nursery).  I can’t remember all the details but I remember us scaredly searching the school building, trying to find the toilet!   Funny memories.  May


When me and Milly played together she would always make me laugh and we always had good times together.  Milly and I were best friends and at lunch time we would sit next to each other and we would just talk instead of eating, most of the time.  I don’t want Milly to leave because she is one of my best friends and she’s really kind to people.  When Milly isn’t here I won’t know who to play with but I won’t forget her.  I will miss you Milly.  Have fun in New Romney!  Celeste.


We are going to miss you so much, both of us.  All the stuff we’ve gone through, both good and bad is going to stay with us forever.   We are sad that you’re going but we’re happy for you to move on.  Forever shall your memories stay in our minds and thoughts in our hearts.  We love you Milly.  Maggie and Delina.


Milly – remember the fun days that we had in reception.  Remember in Year 5 when you and me rolled down the hill and we were laughing.  Remember those days that me and you fell out in an argument but the next day we were friends.  Hayley.


Rosendale Energy

On Tuesday we took part in a very interesting workshop led by the Rosendale Energy group.

The workshop built on what we had learned about climate change. We discussed different sources of energy; ways that we can reduce the amount of energy we use in our day to day lives; and the meaning of ‘renewable’ and ‘sustainable’ sources of energy.

Then Rosendale Energy demonstrated building a solar panel and we used small-scale solar panels in the playground to generate electricity to power toy cars, hand-held fans and other electrical equipment. We discussed the possibility of installing solar panels on some of the school’s roofs and this was a popular idea with the class. We also talked about reinvigorating the environmental role played by the School Council.

We ended the workshop by designing some slogans and logos for the group to use to promote its activities. As Erin says, ‘Coal is so-larst year!’














5TM Masterchef

To confirm, we’re going ahead with the class Masterchef competition on Friday.

Working in groups, the children have been asked to plan a healthy, balanced three-course meal.   Many thanks, in advance, for any support that you are giving the children with preparing their meals.  I will be able to store food in fridges / freezers through the day.  It will also be possible to heat food up in a microwave, although I’ve suggested to the children that food that can be served cold might work best.

Each group will also be asked to prepare a menu card and a statement on the inspiration for the choice of dishes (personal favourites, family traditions etc.) and nutritional content.

The competition will be judged by Rosendale head chef Meena – taking into account taste, presentation and nutritional value.  And if you’re able to come in for the open afternoon (from 2.30), then you’ll be able to sample the food for yourself.

Thanks again!


London’s most iconic buildings and landmarks

Fantasy World Cup league

The league table with just the World Cup semi finals and World Cup final to go.   Can Yacine be caught…?

# Members Points
1 Avatar80Avatar 80Gbr  yacine12356 470 Kick out!

2 Avatar80Avatar 80Gbr  Incagirl 436 Kick out!
3 Avatar80Avatar 80Gbr  dylantm 433 Kick out!
4 Avatar80Avatar 80Gbr  lucasapir 420 Kick out!
5 Avatar80Avatar 80Gbr  Tintin1555 406 Kick out!
6 Avatar80Avatar 80Gbr  puma108 397 Kick out!
7 Avatar80Avatar 80Gbr  sashast 395 Kick out!
8 Avatar80Avatar 80Gbr  MASampson 386 Kick out!
9 Avatar80Avatar 80Gbr  Mr_Milne 375
10 Avatar80Avatar 80Gbr  Brissett79 368 Kick out!
11 Avatar80Avatar 80Gbr  GZtylez707 361 Kick out!
12 Avatar80Avatar 80Gbr  MayLucy 341 Kick out!
13 Avatar80Avatar 80Gbr  Chloe239 304 Kick out!
14 Avatar80Avatar 80Gbr  Ch4rlie10 279 Kick out!
15 Avatar80Avatar 80Gbr  ERINROSE007 257 Kick out!
16 Avatar80Avatar 80Gbr  A13XANDRA 214 Kick out!
17 Avatar80Avatar 80Gbr  Sarah.k999 144 Kick out!